Monday 22 September 2014

Autumn arrives to Joensuu

By Comics Maybe
Nonsense correspondent, AMK News

Autumn has arrived to Joensuu last Sunday according to several eyewitnesses.

According to several eyewitnesses, autumn arrived to Joensuu in the late evening last Sunday. According to the reports, autumn made its way to the centre of Joensuu in a determined and orderly manner. The direction autumn emerged from is currently unclear.

Soon after the arrival, the local climate and environment underwent severe changes. The temperature decreased dramatically, and the foliage of the trees turned into different shades of yellow and red.

“I was minding my own business in the park, when all of a sudden I was surrounded by rotten leaves, darkness and mud,” bewildered local man says.

Autumn’s arrival is expected to have a positive effect on the sales of warm beverages and woollen products such as socks and sweaters. Pharmacies reportedly have prepared for autumn by stocking up on flu medicine.

In the coming months, autumn is expected to attract winter into Joensuu.


Yep, no comic this time.

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